Sunday, July 22, 2012

Welcome to On the Side after Five!

Welcome! I'm Lael. I'm a medievalist art historian who works at a library in Baltimore and draws a web comic about my life. I post new comics to The Book of Lael every Sunday. If you want to contact me to chat about my comic, to buy a t-shirt, or to discuss anything at all, you can reach me at

This is my new blog which brings together artsy people who are all interested in different kinds of art. Comics, crafts, film, studio art, DIY, fashion...the list could go on and on!

There are lots of blogs out there which collect "best of's," and this one isn't necessarily going to be different. I and the other contributors are going to post about the art we create, cool stuff we see and love, things that inspire us, ongoing projects, shows, festivals, art news, and exhibits. Just think, maybe some of you out there who usually read my comic will discover this amazing manicure. And vice versa!

I hope you'll try this out with us, and I hope we all learn about something new and intriguing!

Shoot me an email if you'd like to be a contributor!


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